item_group_id Dawah Clock


SKU: SKU-207

Imported Pine Wood

High Quality PVC Board

Heavy Duty Auto Watch Machine

With Free Battery

ঘড়ির সাইজ ডিটেইলসঃ

(১৭"/১২") ১৭ ইঞ্চি বাই ১২ ইঞ্চি

* ইম্পোর্টেড পাইন উড

* উন্নতমানের পিভিসি বোর্ড 

* হেভি ডিউটি অটো ওয়াচ মেশিন

* সাথে ফ্রি ব্যাটারি

- +
সারা বাংলাদেশে ডেলিভারি চার্জ ৬০ টাকা ।

Product Description

Benefits of Reciting Ayat al-Kursi:

  1. Protection from Shayatin (Devils): It is widely believed that reciting Ayat al-Kursi protects against evil forces, including jinn and shayatin (devils). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned that whoever recites it before going to bed will be protected by Allah from harm throughout the night (Sahih Bukhari).
  2. Ease in the Afterlife: Reciting Ayat al-Kursi helps in making one’s affairs easier in the Hereafter. It is said to shield the reciter from the punishment of the grave and ease the passage of the soul to the Hereafter.
  3. Blessings and Peace: Ayat al-Kursi brings blessings into the life of the believer. It is often recited in times of distress, and many report feeling a sense of peace and calm after reciting it.
  4. Strengthening Faith: The verse serves as a reminder of the majesty and omnipotence of Allah, strengthening the believer’s connection to their Creator. This can help overcome feelings of helplessness or despair, as it affirms that Allah’s power is beyond all limits.
  5. Relief from Worries: By reflecting on the greatness of Allah’s power and authority, reciting Ayat al-Kursi helps to alleviate anxiety and stress, reminding the believer that they are in the hands of the Most Powerful and Merciful.

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